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CLINTON As a member of the Army, I am sworn to support the office of the President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and carry out the orders coming from there. I have served 16 years, so far, and six of those years were spent in direct daily support of that office and the activities of those connected with it. I don't take this lightly and am proud to be in this position. Given the chance to do it all over again, I would do so without hesitation. In addition to being a member of the military, I am also an American citizen. That gives me the right to vote for my choice of individual who I would wish to see occupying the aforementioned high office. As a citizen, my life is also affected by the actions of the individual who holds that office and I am entitled to an opinion about them. As of this writing, that high office is occupied by William Jefferson Blythe Clinton -- a man I did not, and could not, vote for. I was intrigued to read the accounts of Gary Aldrich in his book, "Unlimited Access". Having been there to personally witness some of the events he recounts, I find it reasonable to accept his accounts of events that I was not witness to. The sum total of the incidents in this book and the other accusations that have dogged Clinton and his staff paints a picture that makes it unfathomable to me how he could possibly have been elected to a second term in office. This strongly suggests that there is more at work here than simply electing the "best man for the job". The sheer volume of charges and accusations that have been leveled against Clinton go far beyond normal political attempts to discredit the opposition. It is nearly inconceivable that they are all fabrications or groundless political games. Yet, there seems to be no end to the procession of groups and individuals who are willing to pony up money in support of his campaigns and agendas. Some people called Ronald Reagan "the Teflon President" because "nothing stuck to him". If Reagan was Teflon, what is Clinton? Ask Clinton supporters why they support him. Most likely you'll hear things like "he feels our pain", "he has brought attention to [insert liberal cause here]", or, most astoundingly, that he has supposedly done great and wondrous things for the economy. Ask for specifics, however, and there isn't much that will follow in reply. Clinton has managed to garner more support for less real action than any President in history. His economic "achievements" have resulted from being the beneficiary of the groundwork laid by Reagan and Bush. His own personal initiatives have largely stopped since the Republicans gained control of the House and Senate. It seems as though he spends more time responding to the constant scandals than to anything which has been the result of his official policies. Fortunately, the country is in good enough shape to be able to carry on reasonably well for the next four years. If Clinton will be content to sit around and do little or nothing for his second term other than sign legislation which comes to him from a Republican Congress, we'll probably all be better off. Now, if we can just keep Hillary quiet...
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