Night Owl Mk. II

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Last Update: 27 Aug 00

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This page continues the presentation of this site's awards.
To see a text-only listing of awards, go to this page.
To return to the main awards page, click here.
To go to the next page of awards, click here.

Whispers Award of Excellence for Arts and Entertainment
Your site has been awarded a Whispers Award of Excellence in the A&E division, and included on the winners page of Whispers Online Magazine for Women. We appreciate the time, and effort you have spent developing such a wonderful site, and for the added benefits it plays in promoting, educating, and entertaining women.

The Socrates Award for Thought Provoking Content
Congratulations! Your Homepage has been awarded:


Thanks for all the hard work you've put into your page, and enjoy your award - you've earned it!

Intune Web Site Award
Congratulations!!!! You have been selected to receive the "Intune Web Site Award" for outstanding excellence in your web page design.

Please wear our award with pride as your page deserves it!

The Universal Mandala
Here is finally the Universal mandala for your wonderful site!

ASD's Rising Sun Award for Beautiful Page
Your site is beautiful and full of useful content.

Please accept my appreciation.

Pretty Girl's Pretty Website Award
Congratulations! You've won our 3-Star award.

iNet Gold Award
Congratulations! Your web site, Night Owl Mk. II, has won the iNet Gold Award. Interesting content and design that encourages light rapport or lengthy debate. A fine vehicle for interactivity and exchange. Great job.

Thank you for inviting me to take a look at your wonderful site. I wish you much success.

Worth Surfing For Award
You just won yourself the Worth Surfing For Award.

All pages are checked for the following criteria: What is the first impression of the site? What is the content of the page? Are all links working? How are the graphics? How is the HTML? How is the download time? How is the browser compatibility?

For each of these criteria you get 1 to 4 stars. To achieve the Worth Surfing For Award, each criteria must have 3 stars or more.

Sisters of Loyalty Excellence Award
Congrats on winning our award. You have a great homepage. Keep up the good work.

Bablyon 5 Space Best of the Web Award
Congratulations Mark, Your site Night Owl Mk. II was selected as a winner of my award. The award is yours for creating a great site. Once again congratulations and thank you for your interest in my award.

Jeffrey's Excellent Home Page Silver Award
I took some time and carefully checked out your site I am pleased to inform you that you have won the Jeffrey's Excellent Home Page (Silver Award)...

Lynx 2000 Silver Award, March 2000
Your site has been chosen as the March winner of The Lynx 2000 Silver Award.

As you know, only twelve sites were chosen as monthly winners. The twelve sites then voted and the votes were tallied for the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum winners.

You are to be commended on the work you have put into your site. It is not only appreciated by The Lynx 2000 Awards, but by your peers.

Your site will also be eligible for The Site of The Year, in the category you won, to be given in December, 2000.

Again, Congratulations!!

Carmi's Award of Excellence
Congrats on winning our award. You have a great homepage. Keep up the good work.

WebGraf Great Site Award
Your site has been visited and reviewed and is "Great Site"!

Reflections Award of Excellence
I have recently visited your page and enjoyed my visit. It is obvious you have put a lot of hard work into your site and it is much appreciated. I am sending you an Award in recognition of all your work, and look forward to checking back for future updates. Creative Award
We here at are happy to announce that your website has won our Creative Award. After we received your Award application, we visited your website, reviewed your information and concluded that your website is a High Quality page in both design and service offerings. Based on the fact that we here at enjoyed your Website, we would like to offer our Creative Award for display on your Website.

ZimZim Award, Feb. 2000
Sorry for being a little late, but anyhow, you've won my award! Congratulations again, and I hope you prosper on the Web.

MYOB Cool Site Award
Congratulations your site was selected to receive our entertainment oriented award, surpassing the requirements to win. It was obvious that you put a lot into the design and the functionality of your site. I hope that you will display the Award, your site earned it! Thanks, and once again congratulations.

Freestone's Award of Excellence
Hello, and Thank you for applying for Freestone's Award of Excellence. We have visited your Very Nice website and we at Freestone's all agree That it certainly DOES qualify for our Award. What a very interesting and well designed Website with easy navigation.

Would you like to apply for my award?
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