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Chuck Shepherd's hilarious "News of the Weird" column runs in newspapers nationwide. It is also distributed via E-mail a few weeks after each column's appearance in print. The E-mail version will be presented on this page (unedited, except for HTML formatting) as a service for my users. If you enjoy this column, send me a note and let me know!
("News of the Weird" is Copyright 1998 by Universal Press Syndicate). Onward to this week's goodies!
WEIRDNUZ.553 (News of the Weird, September 11, 1998)
by Chuck Shepherd
See copyright information at the end of this transmission.
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* Beyond Global Warming: According to two physicists from the
University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, whose work was
reported in an August issue of The New Scientist, Hell is certainly
very hot (833 degrees Fahrenheit), but so is Heaven (about 450
degrees). The researchers used passages in the Bible reporting that
"brimstone" (sulphur) boils in Hell and that Heaven contains
"sevenfold" the light of the sun for seven days.
* Among the street theater performances at New York City's
International Fringe Festival in August: a 45-minute satirical
bigoted rant against hunchbacks from Nebraska; a six-person
troupe performing Eugene Ionesco's "Bald Soprano" play
continuously, 24 times in 24 hours; and "Brown and Blue," an "ode
to excrement," celebrating not its dirtiness but, according to the
performer, "what a simple way it [presents] to look at things."
* About 25 employees of the meticulously-maintained Boston
Public Library had grown so close to their work that they had to
use the city's grief-counseling services in August after a burst water
main flooded a building and soaked 50,000 cartons of books. Said
a library executive to a Boston Globe reporter, "It's a process just
like when someone dies." One employee complained of nightly
panic attacks in which she recurringly dreams of the flooding but
cannot save the books.
Bottom of the Gene Pool
* Police in Bonita Springs, Fla., charged Randall James Baker, 45,
with aggravated battery in August for shooting his friend Robert
Callahan in the head and sending him to the hospital. A Sheriff's
spokesman said Baker and Callahan had a playful tradition between
them of trying to shoot the little button off the top of any baseball-
type cap either of them acquired, but that this time, alcohol played a
bigger role than usual.
The World Series of Selfishness
* Vying with David Cash (widely reported in the media recently for
refusing to stop his best friend from killing a 7-year-old girl in a Las
Vegas casino and then taunting his critics by pointing out that his
notoriety has helped him meet women): Young director-actor
Vincent Gallo, who savaged Robert DeNiro and other actors in a
Hollywood Reporter interview in August, and added, "I like that
girls recognize me from my work because it's easier to talk them
into fellatio." Also, Scott Johnson, father of one of the Jonesville,
Ark., middle-school shooters, criticized authorities after his son's
sentencing hearing in August, pointing out that the youth camp to
which little Mitchell was headed had a poor reputation and (through
his attorney) that school officials shared the blame for the
Recent Feeble Reactions
* Tony Faulks, 39, convicted in July in Sioux Falls, S. Dak., after
police found the $1,300 in marked bills from a robbery in his
underwear: He said he doesn't trust banks and thus always keeps
his money down there. And Mr. Siut Cheng, attempting to get out
of a speeding ticket in July while hauling a van full of lobsters: The
best he could think of, allegedly, was to offer the New Jersey
trooper a bribe of five lobsters. And former Nazi camp guard Jack
Reimer, testifying at his citizenship revocation trial in New York in
August, answering charges that he fired his gun into a group of
Jews in Trawniki, Poland, in 1941: He shot them, but he thought
they were already dead.
Wedding Bell Blues
* The Hindustan (India) Times reported in July that a bride called
off her wedding in the town of Hapur, near New Delhi, because she
was upset that the groom had begun drunkenly insulting everyone
in sight. All was not lost, however: A guest at the wedding
immediately proposed to the woman, and the new couple were
married later that evening. And in August in Heraklion, Crete,
according to a stringer for London's Guardian newspaper, another
wedding was aborted when the bride caught the groom the night
before sharing the soon-to-be conjugal bed with his best man.
* In July, three men linked to the Republic of Texas separatist
group were arrested in Brownsville, Tex., and charged with
conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. According to the
FBI, they had threatened several state and federal officials, with
their most ambitious plan to shoot President Clinton with a
modified Bic lighter (propelling air instead of propane) firing a
hypodermic needle, out of which would be shot a cactus thorn that
had been dipped in anthrax or botulism. The attorney for one of the
men called the alleged plan so "cockamamie" that the government
should not take it seriously.
* Thomas Stanley Huntington, 52, pleaded no contest to fraud in
Aztec, N. Mex., in June in a scheme to sell "California Red
Superworms," which he swore could eat up nuclear waste. He told
buyers (who paid $125 a pound) that a nearby radiation-waste
cleanup plant would buy all the worms they could breed, but it was
left to the state attorney general to inform the buyers that worms
can't do that.
* In April, Hong Kong kitchen worker Yung Kwong-ming, 34, was
ordered into mental health counseling for his scheme of offering a
teenage girl a free gynecological exam provided she immediately
give him a urine sample and her underpants. Incredibly, his first try
was successful, but a second young woman he pulled the scheme on
called the police, who set up a sting.
* Herb Cruse, 77, was arrested in Charlotte, N. C., in August and
charged with extortion against the Carmike Cinema chain for a
fanciful scheme in which he claimed to have put his aunt's cremated
remains into a popcorn machine at a Carmike outlet and threatened
to expose the theater for selling "cannibal corn." Cruse told
reporters in after his arrest that (1) he didn't really do it, but (2) he
did put some ordinary ashes into a Carmike popcorn machine
several years ago because he was mad at the company, and (3) he
mailed the company a letter of apology in March 1998. However,
federal prosecutors said he had contacted the company again
recently to try to extort money and cited a flyer in a theater parking
lot reprising the "cannibal corn" story and inviting aggrieved
patrons to sue the theater.
Least Competent Criminals
* Four teenagers were charged with misdemeanors in Oxford,
Ohio, in August for egging the houses of city officials in a dispute
over the town's water tower. Police identified the boys by looking
at the surveillance video at the town's only grocery store and
locating the scene the day before in which four kids happen to buy a
large quantity of eggs.
Recurring Themes
* Several times in its 10 years, News of the Weird has reported
convictions of young women who dressed as young men (including
bandaged their breasts) in order to date and to have sex (in the
dark, obviously) with presumably heterosexual young women. In
June, Angela Marie Hoyle, 22, was sentenced to six months in jail
for her 10-month relationship with a 14-year-old girl in Gastonia,
N. C., during which she used a strap-on device to have sex. Said
the victim, "I [hadn't ever] had sex or did anything with another
person, so I thought [this way] was normal."
No-Fault Infanticide
* Tanya Denby, convicted in Newport News, Va., in August of
beating her three-year-old daughter to death by excessive
punishment: "I can't see my baby anymore, but she's in a much
better place. I'm glad God took her." And Patricia Wells, indicted
in April in Camden, N. J., for aggravated manslaughter after six
kids (including one of hers) died as the van she was driving (at 70
mph in a 25 mph zone with no license and a .151 blood-alcohol
level) crashed: "It was the children's time to go, and God wanted
those children."
(Revised September 1, 1998)
NEWS OF THE WEIRD, founded in 1988, is a nationally
syndicated newspaper column distributed by Universal Press
Syndicate, Kansas City, Mo., 816-932-6600. The unexpurgated
columns are also distributed free, by e-mail, anywhere from four to
twelve weeks after publication in newspapers (depending on how
busy the volunteer Webmaster is). Subscribe by sending a blank
message with the Subject of Subscribe to
For more information on the mailing list, and to read archived
columns from the last six months, go to To word-search specific News of
the Weird stories from the past six years, go to the Universal Press
Syndicate site at Please do
not contact Chuck Shepherd about the mailing list.
THE COLUMNS: The date on the column is the suggested
newspaper publication date. Each story in News of the Weird
comes from a daily newspaper or the equivalent (no supermarket
tabloids, no first-person stories), usually within 4-20 weeks of the
newspaper publication date, and a reader who would like the
citation to a story should write Chuck at
TRADEMARK and COPYRIGHT: The name News of the Weird
is a registered trademark of Chuck Shepherd and cannot be used
without written permission. All content in News of the Weird is
copyrighted by Chuck Shepherd and cannot be used without
written permission. EXCEPTION: If you would like to link to
News of the Weird on your purely personal Web site, for which you
derive utterly no commercial benefit, you hereby have permission.
PAPERBACK BOOKS: There are 5 News of the Weird books in
print, available at large bookstores or via (which does
not pay for this plug). Search under Chuck Shepherd.
U.S. MAIL: Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 8306, St. Petersburg FL
33738. E-MAIL: