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Boldfaced statements are parts of the original essay (or a subsequent reply) to which the respondent has directed his comments.

Italicized/emphasized comments prefaced by (R) are those of the respondent and are presented unedited.

My replies appear under the respondent's comments in blue text and are prefaced by my initials (MB).
(R) If evolutionism is so error-free as you say, then how come countless
theories have been proven wrong, such as carbon-14 dating?
(MB)Which theories have been proven wrong? There have
been many people who have attempted to use C-14 dating incorrectly by trying to
apply it to things that are millions of years old. Because of the short
half-life of C-14, it can't be accurately used to date anything over 50,000
years of age. There are numerous other methods which are relied upon for
determining ages in the millions and billions of years.
(R) Science is always coming up with something new to prove, and when it is
shut down, they search for a new theory.
(MB)There is nothing "new" to prove. There are only
questions that have yet to be answered. The first answers are not always the
best answers and may well be dead wrong. But, continued examination refines the
theories and makes them more and more accurate.
(R) Science is always changing, but the Bible stays the same.
(MB)Science is dynamic and is always improving and
expanding, but there is only one version of "science". The Bible may stay the
same, but the interpretations of what is written in its pages are always
changing. This produces the current state of Xianity where there are over 1500
different sects which each have different (and sometimes mutually-exclusive)
ideas about what is "right".
(R) I also find it hard to believe that everything evolved from the same
(MB)That statement is too broad. "Evolution" applies only
to living organisms on the Earth and not to "everything".
(R) There are too many different bone structures and DNA.
(MB)That's because living things have been reproducing and
changing for over three billion years and trillions of total generations. This
is inevitably going to produce a rich variety.
(R) I refuse to believe that the earth is billions of years old.
(MB)Why? There is no reliable evidence to suggest any
other age for the Earth.
(R) If it was, why is there not 50 pounds of dust on the moon?
(MB)Why should this be so?
(R) Everything has too complex of a structure to be formed from some
spontaneous blast in space.
(MB)The Big Bang only created hydrogen and helium with a
minor smattering of lithium and beryllium. All other elements are created in
the titanic explosions of supernovas.
(R) How come nothing has formed spontaneously in space lately?
(MB)Since there are still supernovas, elements are being
created all the time.
(R) Also, how can you say that the historical parts of the Bible are
accurate, but a testimony of seeing Jesus rise from the dead is merely a
fabrication of someone with a blind faith?
(MB)First, not all of the historical parts of the Bible
*are* accurate. Second, the only way to verify a historical account is with
corroborating evidence. Bible stories are not self-verifying and there is no
independent evidence of the resurrection of Jesus from any non-Biblical
(R) How could one even fathom making up half the stories in the
(MB)Considering that the Bible accumulated over at least a
thousand years, that would seem to be plenty of time to invent and embellish any
of its stories. Heck, anybody who has ever read a James Michener novel knows
that a single person can invent a complex story in a relatively short period of
(R) There are too many answers in the Bible to life's problems.
(MB)The same answers can be found in the philosophy of any
of Man's belief systems -- both secular and religious. They are not the
exclusive property of Xianity.
(R) Also, why would someday someone make up something about God?
(MB)It could be derived from many sources. The Jewish
religion was derivative of that practiced by the neighboring Babylonians.
Religions in general normally arise from the needs of men to codify answers to
questions when such answers are not or can not be known through any other method
available to those men. Since Man has always had a hierarchical social
structure, it comes naturally that he should postulate a "supreme being" that
should be served and worshipped.
(R) The Bible is too complex for it to be merely a fable.
(MB)Why? There are many highly complex and unarguably
fictional stories that have been written throughout the history of
(R) It has the bloodlines of many families and all. If someone just wanted to
make up a story, why spend so much time making a family tree?
(MB)Some parts of the OT are Jewish historical records.
Most fictional works are fleshed out with real components.
(R) I would like to hear your comments.
(MB)Here you go!