Last Update: 19 Mar 00
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Here is a listing of homepages belonging to wargamers.
Each listing also contains a short description of what interesting wargaming-related items can be found at that location. (Many of the descriptions have been supplied by the homepage owners themselves.) FIND PAGES QUICKLY If you know are searching for a particular wargamer, select the first letter of his last name to go quickly to the section containing his entry in this listing. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Jonathan Ablett -- The Empire's Warhammer Homepage Warhammer stuff Ed Allen -- Ed's Hobby Hovel [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Ed's Hobby Hovel contains The Wargame Opponent Finder, picture galleries for warship photos and miniature soldiers, De Bellis Multitudinis and other DBX miniatures games, resource pages for horse and musket and colonial miniatures, Frederick the Great's "Instruction to Generals" and "Instruction to Officers of the Cavalry", Eli King's memoir of the Israeli War of Independence with photos, free miniatures rules - Rencounter for skirmish games and Monster Mash for clay monster games, and extensive wargame related bookmarks. Joe Balkoski -- Beyond the Beachhead [Verified: 01 Nov 99] I have designed a number of wargames over the years related to the Normandy campaign in WWII, among them Atlantic Wall, Omaha Beachhead, and St. Lo. My site relates to a book I wrote a few years ago on the D-Day invasion, "Beyond the Beachhead," which was in large part inspired by the games I had previously designed on that subject. Tony Barr -- Antigonos' Attic Painting Service & Grumpy's Miniatures (EU). [Verified: 29 Oct 99] This is where I promote my figure painting service and the Grumpy's Miniatures ranges for sale in Europe. Also, links to the various hobby related sites I run, Society of Ancients, Humberside Wargames Society and East Riding Miniatures. Mel Beard -- DeathSkull's WarGaming page. [Verified: 28 Oct 99] I have links to StarGrunt II and DirtSide II, and a small section for Battletech. Dean Beedell -- Fire Strike FireStrike is a software product designed for the wargamer. FireStrike is a suite of six programs which used together form a Battle Control System. The system will take control of the various components of a wargame and automate them so that the wargamer can do what he does best - to command his or her troops in a simulated battle environment. Nicholas Bell -- Die Hauptkampflinie [Verified: 31 Oct 99] The place for HPS Aide de Camp II gamesets. Scenarios and utilities for HPS Tigers on the Prowl and Panthers in the Shadows. Editors for SSI wargames by Gary Grisby. Gunther Bellows -- Regimental Headquarters - Samos' Swordsmen Regimental Headquarters is the home of the Blade & Blaster Gaming Society in Micanopy, Florida (10 miles from University of Florida). We cover a broad spectrum of local and PBEM gaming. Subjects include En Garde, Knights of the Round Table, Privateers & Gentlemen, Twilight 2000, Behind Enemy Lines, AH B-17 Up for the Schweinfurt Raid on 1-1 scale, and Vampire the Masquerade. Future plans include a wargame area to cover SPI's Central Front Series (Fifth Corps, Hof Gap, BAOR, North German Plain, and Donau Front). The site derives its name from being the HQ of the 472nd RCT "Samos' Swordsmen" -- a Battletech PBM/PBEM that has been running since 1988. Last but not least we're Operation Market Garden fanatics -- who else would own much less play SPI's "Highway to the Reich." Bob Bergman -- Bob's Gaming Page [Verified: 01 Nov 99] Contains free rules sets for American Revolution 1:10 scale, American Civil War (1:10/1:20/1:50 scale) and Napoleonics (grand tactical rules), both in viewable web pages and downloadable versions for Adobe Acrobat. Hope to expand to include other rules sets and scenarios. Brian Blad -- ASL Information Page Links to ASL Resources Ted "The Terrible" Bleck -- Terrible Ted's Titillating Tall Tales [Verified: 28 Oct 99] This site features Advanced Squad Leader (Avalon Hill's premier WWII tactical board game) with After Action Reports, web links, commentary, scenarios, and much more. The Gamers' Tactical Combat System and Civil War Brigade System games are also featured. For those with an historical bent, a collection of letters from Civil War soldiers can also be found. Boardgame Player's Association -- Boardgame Player's Association [Verified: 12 Dec 99] World Boardgame Championships, August 1st - 6th, 2000, Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD Six days of the best boardgaming on the planet featuring the 100 tournaments of the Boardgame Players Association's Century group and including World Dip Con X. Specially designed BPA plaques and Centurion shirts featuring the art of Rodger MacGowan for the winners. Contact: or see our website. Our site is devoted totally to this annual weeklong gaming fest and the PBeM tournaments run by the Boardgame Player's association. Mark Boone -- Boone's Gaming Home Page Info on the Internet Wargames Catalog. Game lists by period, company, etc. plus wargame play-aids and some games for sale/trade. New Featured Game of the Week page looks at classic, old titles. Brian Bower -- Cavalier Historical Wargames Services Britain's Colonial wars - A website covering the age of Britains Imperialism to include information for Colonial Wargaming. Chris Brantley -- DBA Resource Page [Verified: 25 Nov 99] Information and resources for ancients and medieval wargaming using the De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) rules. Chris Brantley -- Wargaming In the Age of Fighting Sail [Verified: 29 Oct 99] Links to gamers' pages, historical resources, naval literature, and miniature photos for miniature gamers interested in the Age of Fighting Sail. Also includes tips on scratch-building your fleet. British Historical Games Society -- British Historical Games Society [Verified: 29 Oct 99] The home of tournament wargaming in the UK. M. Evan Brooks -- Home Page [Verified: 31 Oct 99] Listing and cross-reference of all computer wargames. Also, roster of designers and games and chronological listing of games for each year since 1980. Steven Bucey -- By the Sword Web site of the Columbus Area Boardgaming Society (Columbus, Ohio). Here you can find information about this large and active club's activities, from what we play during our twice monthly meetings to a schedule of events we plan to host at Origins. Brian Burger -- Brian's Wargame Pages Covers GZG's DS2 & SG2, Chipco's FR!2ed, and misc bits and pieces...lots and lots of gaming links. SciFi & Fantasy Wargaming House Rules, Photos, GWAutobasher, and more. Craig Burke -- Furashita's Fleet [Verified: 28 Oct 99] "Furashita's Fleet" is a compilation of stories and illustrations of largely imaginary ships of various navies of the world during the World War II era. The individual ship ratings and exploits come from actual games played by the author. Avalon Hill's "Victory in the Pacific" and "War at Sea", plus the author's own "Victory through Seapower" board games are the basis of the ratings. Scroll down on the home page to the hypertext "Grand Fleet" for an explanation of the game from which the illustrations and stories originate. Hank Burkhalter -- the BAMA homepage [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Full graphic 'series' replays of wargames played via PBeM. Hosting PBeM Ladders for The Russian Campaign, Bull Run, and Caesar Alesia Steve Burt -- Steve's Wargames Page [Verified: 29 Oct 99] This page contains some general background on miniature wargames, discussion of Rules for various periods, and many sets of rules I've written which can be downloaded, lots of Scenarios for various periods, and a Gallery of pictures of wargames and figures. Mark Butler -- Mark's Web Wargamer's Page [Verified: 18 Nov 99] Programming wargames on the web with JavaScript, Java, Visual Basic and Visual C++ Terry Cabak -- Imagine Image Multimedia Fix Bayonets! for the Horse & Musket era, "Company Command" for WWII platoon-level, and "Legions and Lions" for Ancient/Medieval miniature wargames are just some of the rules produced by Imagine Image Multimedia. The goal of this company is to provide rules for miniature wargames for new and experienced wargamers. CD roms, videos, and other wargamer aids are on the horizon so check this site out. The site has articles and ideas for better wargaming, and will soon include free scenarios and downloadable documents such as color flags, maps and more. Buyers of the rules will receive free upgrades. Aaron Cains -- ASAHEIM -Home of the Space Wolves- [Verified: 30 Oct 99] A site dedicated to the Space Wolves in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000. Aaron Cains -- The Paint Pot [Verified: 30 Oct 99] One persons attempt at creating an online 'Miniatures Painting Guide'. Fully detailed procedures with step by step images to help explain the painting process. Basic techniques, tips, galleries and advanced procedures are included along with multipart kits and conversion work/ideas. Happy Painting! Chris Camfield -- Chris Camfield's Board Games Page [Verified: 31 Oct 99] Includes variants for a number of minigames, in particular Official variants for Intruder (TFG) and errata, and a list of wargames covering the ancient Greek period. Captain Strobe -- Captain Strobe's Out-land(ish) [Verified: 16 Nov 99] Free hex tile art for war/fantasy board gaming. Bill Castello -- Sloth Central [Verified: 31 Oct 99] ASL, AD&D, Battletech links Lou Coatney -- Lou Coatney's Home Page [Verified: 28 Oct 99] This site includes: 1. A FREE simple, lunch-hour boardgame "1st Alamein" about the Desert Fox's -- Rommel's -- best chance to break through the Alamein chokepoint and conquer the Nile Delta, in July 1942. 2. A FREE cardstock model plan of the USS MONITOR, for anyone to print off and assemble. This will ultimately be accompanied by a plan for the MERRIMAC(K/CSS VIRGINIA) and very simple ironclad wargaming rules, so that students can build the 'clads and then fight them, as happened historically. 3. A FREE cardstock model plan for a US Destroyer Escort of the BUTLER class (which included the valiant SAMUEL B. ROBERTS of Battle off Samar fame). 4. The text of my Pascal program for naval wargame scale selection, enabling the scale to be selected from the variables of linear scale, time, and/or length of a knot of speed. 5. Photos of cardstock model warships and (soon) tanks I have designed. 6. Commentary on the games I have designed and links to some of the game reviews I have done ... on Avalon Hill's old classic boardgame STALINGRAD, GDW's 1941, etc. Columbia Games -- Columbia Games Information about all Columbia (wooden block) wargames. View games and their components, get the latest news on new and upcoming releases, download scenarios, errata and more. Webmaster: Grant Dalgliesh Greg Costikyan -- Parlor of Pop Culture Pomposity [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Articles, stories, and variant rules from the designer of Star Wars: The RPG, Paranoia, Toon, The Creature That Ate Sheboygan, Pax Britannica, Evolution, and Fantasy War. Jonathan Coulter -- Old Dominion GameWorks Publisher of miniatures rules for 20th century wargaming Jacques Cuneo -- ASL Crossroads [Verified: 28 Oct 99] ASL Crossroads is a site dedicated to Advanced Squad Leader. It features a complete set of links to all ASL resources, over 225 scenario After Action Reports, a tactical analysis page with tactical advice, a beginner's page, and downloadable ASL help documents. Mark Cuomo -- Mark Cuomo's World Links and a few files for the "La Bataille", "Napoleon at Bay", and "Napoleon's Last Battles" series of games. Some files for "Wacht am Rhein" soon... Dan Cyr -- Southern Wisconsin Historical WarGamer Group A general purpose wargaming group web page that is expanding into rules and scenarios. Scott Dallimore -- King or Parliament [Verified: 28 Oct 99] A site for gamers of the Great Civil Wars 1639-1651. English Civil War gaming related links. Michael Dean -- Fine Games for Players & Collectors [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Fine Games web site. Large site with encyclopedic catalogs of both new and used games at attractive prices. We stock over 6,000 items, special order anything available from any of several distributors, and offer very attractive discounts on all in-print items. Craig Deaton -- U.S.A.A.F. A site dedicated to the Gary Grigsby classic U.S.A.A.F. - provides software that will allow the game to be run in Windows and DOS environments as well as a scenario editor and some alternate Orders of Battle. Richard Denning -- Napoleonic Wargames [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Primarily dedicated to Napoleonic wargaming. Includes a lot of material on the Principles of Napoleonic war rules. Also, roleplaying material relating to Rolemaster and MERP. Emmanuel Desanois -- Histoire et Figurines / History and Miniatures Website about miniatures wargaming and military history, specialised in 18th to 20th century and especially about Napoleon and First Empire. Available in French and English. Joao Diogo -- AJSPortugal Homepage [Verified: 24 Nov 99] The AJSPortugal is an Association of wargamers, in Lisbon, Portugal. We meet every weekend, running DBM, IIWW, Napoleonics, and some Battletech games Warner Doles -- Warner's BattleTech Universe Comprehensive site for BattleTech, Mechwarrior, BattleForceIRC and MechForce. Want to battle with the big boys?!! This is the place to start. Come see what we have to offer and join up with us at BattleForceIRC and let the wargames begin! Con Dowler -- No Name [Verified: 01 Nov 99] Some random pictures of the monthly and hugely named New York City Army of The Hudson 33rd Street Irregular Chit Kickers. Jay Dryer -- The Wargame HQ The feature of the site is an entirely free auction for wargamers. The site also includes game information, an opponent and store finder and a discussion board. Jim Dunnigan -- Jim Dunnigan's Home Page [Verified: 02 Nov 99] Wargaming related material from a prolific wargame designer. Jim Dunnigan -- [Verified: 02 Nov 99] Current military affairs from a wargamers point of view. Plus wargame reviews and much wargame information. Rob Dyer -- Robbie's Hobbies [Verified: 14 Nov 99] This is the homepage for my company which is a small historical miniatures manufacturing firm. Graeme Dyson -- Free City of FARKEEP [Verified: 12 Dec 99] I have a fantasy wargame site devoted (at the moment) to Dark Heaven Apocalypse and Reaper Miniatures. There are sections on painted figures and painting guides, scenario and campaign ideas and links to other useful sites. Nick Edelsten -- Nick Edelsten's Homepage ASL. Includes an analysis of the opening day in Red Barricades, as well as some detailed information on a counter storage system. Alan Emrich -- The Emrich Files [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Everything Krieg!, A House Divided 2nd Edition designers notes, Tomorrow the World variants, Modern Naval Battles stuff, an Armada 2525 update, articles, and more. Bahadir Erimli -- ASL WWW Gateway ASL Index, complete Q&A, Worldwide player directory, tournament info Dan Faloona -- Fantasy Clash [Verified: 03 Nov 99] My site is the homepage for my free miniatures wargame Fantasy Clash, a cooperative design effort between myself and the games players. Chris Fawcett -- Yankee Air Pirates (West) Home Page [Verified: 28 Oct 99] The Yankee Air Pirates (West) Web site contains great info and links to the Fighting Wings/Air Power tactical air combat games, play-by-E-mail resources for board wargaming via the Internet, with links to games in progress, plus the largest repository of CyberBoard gamebox files in the world. You'll also find links to some of the best wargaming and general military interest sites on the Web, thumbnail reviews of many multi-player wargames, and we are a member of the Wargamers Web Ring. David Ferris -- ArmourPage: The ArmourSoft Web Site [Verified: 30 Oct 99] I added a bunch of pictures to the photo gallery, including all the photos of naval miniatures games I could find (by popular demand), and I added the Bad Poetry section (by unpopular demand) including a bunch of material I recently dug out of the attic. Those of you who were inflicted by my Bad Poetry file a couple of years ago will want to check this one out since there's a lot of never-released-before-on-the-internet-anyway Eggar Allen Poo drivel. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, the ArmourSoft web site has a bunch of free downloadable wargame stuff, including some of my old naval miniatures projects and the sci fi miniatures system Generic Legions. Richard Fluck -- The Gaming Page [Verified: 31 Oct 99] Translations of Vae Victis board games (and some miniatures) - all rather crude, but usable. Site also has sets for ADC 1 & 2, Cyberboard and V Map, plus reviews and news. Flying Buffalo -- Flying Buffalo Inc. Homepage [Verified: 01 Nov 99] A leader in PBM wargaming. Publishers of Nuclear War (and its expansions), Dien Bien Phu, Complete Brigadier and numerous other titles. Vincent Francois -- Battle Order Explorer [Verified: 01 Nov 99] Come and find a lot of battle order for Napoleonic Wargaming with a useful tools to produce them. Vincent Francois -- Vincent Francois Homepage [Verified: 01 Nov 99] Empire in Arms games reports, rules, links... Skip Franklin -- Skip's Wargaming Page [Verified: 30 Oct 99] Skip's Wargame List, Games in Progress and some Starfire information. Michael Gemmell -- Wargaming Scenarios Page [Verified: 04 Nov 99] Scenarios and variants for: Axis and Allies, Machiavelli, Third Reich, and Divine Right Jason Gorringe -- The Canis Publishing Website Notes and rules for Smoke on the Water ACW Naval Rules. ACW Naval History and Ships. Painting Instructions for ACW Naval Models. Arofan Gregory -- Historical Miniatures Wargaming Resource Site [Verified: 28 Oct 99] "Rules, uniform/historical info, and scenarios for The French Wars of Religion, Spanish-American War, Mexican Revolution, and Tricorne period with other periods to come." Eric Grenier -- The Gren's Homepage [Verified: 27 Feb 00] This site contains information and strategies for Axis and Allies, Europe at War, World at War, and turn replays from one of my wargame creations. A wealth of World War II information is also located here. Eric Hammel -- Pacifica Press Military History Books [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Publishers of combat history books. Dave Harris -- WoW Games - War of Wizards [Verified: 29 Oct 99] Over the past 4 years I have created and run a fantasy wargame called "War of Wizards" (WoW) with a partner of mine. We have had several hundred players enjoy the game so far and are currently pushing to up our number of participants. The game has been played on maps accomodating from 6 to 51 players. We currently are running both free and commercial games. Basically it is a strategy, fantasy, PBeM (Play By e-Mail) game involving wizards raising armies, managing resources and researching magic. As a player you can: Send heroes exploring towers, caves and graveyards, build armies and send them out to conquer your enemies, research the magic arts in areas ranging from Necromancy to Druidic, construct towns, defences and buildings such as Sages Guilds, Taverns, Ship Yards and Beast Pits, feed peasants generously or enslave them. Basically you can do as you wish. The only restriction is surviving the onslaught of other wizards with similar megalomaniacal intentions. Diplomacy is the key, conversing with other wizards to trade resources, forge alliances and backstab others. Have a look at the website to view the rules, player graphics and stories getting a taste of the 14 races, 250+ unit types, 80+ spells, 40+ buildings, etc. P.S. We have struck a deal to get all WoW fans 20% OFF, over 20,000 RPG and wargames accessories from over 150 top manafacturers. David Helber -- Major General Tremorden Rederring's Colonial-Era Wargames Page [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Victorian-to-WWI colonial gaming information, with a focus on model building and scenery (including how-to articles), gaming philosophy, and a bit of Victorian poetry. Features include figures, buildings, boats and ships, aeroplanes, vehicles, scenery, battles, books and movies, Steam Landships, and Kipling's verse. Features still to come include War of the Worlds, and HG Wells' Little Wars. Rick Heli -- Games Site by Rick Heli [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Quick summaries of rules, errata, variants, reviews, playback, etc. for a wide variety of games. Michael Hensley -- South Florida Gamer's Resource News, Info, and Tools for the Roleplaying and Wargaming Community. This site is also the home of the Wargamer's Ring Home Page. Register your site here and link it to other wargaming resources on the Web! Mark Herman -- For the People [Verified: 01 Nov 99] Site contains several articles, some free card mixing and dealing programs, and the new version 2.1 rules for free download, plus other related materials including the rules for the PBEM tournament we are currently running. Scott Holmgren -- Blue Guidon Games [Verified: 01 Nov 99] Website for my DTP wargame designs, including Fire in Mississippi. Danny Holte -- Etloh Technologies Makers of 'The Flightdeck', a computer flight simulation accessory. We also carry Sierra Madre, FMG, and Decision Games strategy and simulation games. Coming soon - The Wargamer's Reference Guide, which will be available by mail order from our web site. Also available on our site: -Capsule reviews for Strategy & Tactics Magazine Games -U.S. War Department "Handbook On German Military Forces" (from March 1945) -Artillery Practices by the Major Combatants in WWII -Game Play &-Errata, Q&A and Variants for Command Magazine Games -Coming Soon: Capsule Reviews on Command Magazine Games Harry Hopkins -- Fandata Publications Fandom Directory (Online Edition) - Your on-line link to Fandom around the world! Science Fiction, Star Trek, Comics, Trading Cards, Gaming and More! Point and click access to thousands of fan, collector, dealer, store, publisher, club and convention email addresses and web sites. Listings are FREE! Graeme Hume -- OBLIVIONS END A quarterly online magazine for roleplayers and wargamers providing material for a variety of eras and genres. Richard Hutnik -- DocReason's Strategy HQ Free games, reviews, and support and opponent finding for obscure/orphan games Corey Hymes -- Windy City Wargamers Homepage for the Windy City Wargamers (Chicago). Contains dates and directions for club meetings, and special club and other midwest wargaming events. Also has ASL Open tournement information and an ASL Puzzle Page. Club wargaming acticles from our newsletter. Mike Jasinski -- Mike Jasinski's Modern/Sci-Fi Wargaming Resources A growing collection of wargame variants and homebrewed rules for a variety of games featuring contemporary and/or future settings. Featured games include Command Decision, 2300AD, Dirtside II, with others to be added in near future. Barry Jensen -- Metro Detroit Gamers The site is all-text (all long as I can keep other folks from saying, "Gee, I have this really neat picture of a general ...." It is devoted to gaming conventions in the U.S. and Canada. Other links are included. Hanz Johansson -- Tabletop Warriors Miniatures, contest, links Karl Johnson -- Continuous Conflict Continuous Conflict was designed as a vehicle for distributing my personal efforts at game design (and those who helped with playtesting and critique) to gamers who might find them of value. The thematic concept of future military simulation leaves a lot of "open ground" to explore; "future simulations" can be set next year, or a thousand years from now. Offering free strategy games on the web saves me the thousands of dollars required to put together a hard copy package of my games; it also saves the visitors the agonizing choice of where to spend their hard earned dollars (or Marks/Pounds/Francs, etc.) and allows those who _play_ games to contribute additional relevant material directly to the author. Tracy Mark Johnson -- Empire for the HP3000 on the Web [Verified: 31 Oct 99] It is dedicated to a wargame of strategy originally developed at the Evergreen State College in Olympia Washington in 1973 on an HP2000C computer. It allows for up to 255 players at any one time. The game is played using a terminal emulator with "Telnet" or "VT/Mgr" protocol to the same IP address as the URL. Sponsored by Justin Thyme Productions. Jeff Jonas -- Jeff's Wargaming Site [Verified: 12 Dec 99] Contains scenarios and army information for Warhammer Ancient Battles. Especially devoted to the armies of Alexander the Great and his Successors. Other pages include the SCWABA (Southern California Warhammer Ancient Battles) homepage, miniatures photos, and other periods including Napoleonocs, Warhammer Fanatsy, and Sudan Colonials. Pete Jones -- The Wargamers Directory [Verified: 31 Oct 99] The Wargames Directory Web-Site is a detailed listing of individuals, groups, traders and organisations who offer some kind of product or service to wargamers. Each trader is given their own page on the site with details of the products/services they offer together with contact details and any other information that they would like people to know. The site is free to both visitors and traders alike, with no subscription fees and no charges for inclusion in the trader sections. Adverts can be placed free of charge and people can send in articles/photos for inclusion on the site for other gamers pleasure! The site is run by wargamers for wargamers. Areas included on the site so far include a photo gallery, a reviews section where new products are given a thorough interrogation and a links page where you can find many other military and wargames-related sites... If you would like your details included on the site free of charge, then get in touch!!! Pete Jones -- Wrexham & District Wargames Club We provide completely free wargames rules for all periods :- ancients to modern and sci-fi. Chris Julias -- Herr Victor Herr Victor is the name of a small ongoing ASL tournament between my friends and I. The page includes a description of the tournament as well as after action reports relating the outcomes of our battles. Also included in the page is the Panzer of the Month picture, a copy of The Record (an extensive win-loss record), as well as links and resources for ASL. Carl Jung -- Carl Jung's Personal Web Page A dedicated webpage for ASL, and a generic page for wargaming in general. It's more to inform the general public about wargames and its relation with me, not really a site where I give something back to wargamers. I list the games I own and links and have personal articles on my views on wargaming and wargamers. Ted Kim -- Ted's Games Home Page This page contains some background on Ted's game hobby. Downloads include various errata files, an award winning review article, convention reports and early volumes of the Convergence Zone. Jeff Kimmel -- ASL Page [Verified: 02 Nov 99] My wargames section includes links to several ASL sites as well as detailed information on the ASL Tank Rumbles, including several optional rules and the three-part Example Turn. My miniatures section covers several periods and includes a review of the Napoleonics rules "Shako" as well as additional TO&E information for the WW2 rules "Spearhead" and a synopsis of our Arnhem Campaign. John Kisner -- ZOC [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Home page for ZOC magazine. John F. Kranz -- ConsimWorld.COM ConsimWorld.COM is the official news, information and historical gaming talk site on the Web. Focus is on historical boardgaming, with coverage on the latest releases, industry news, 4,750 member discussion board and much more! Bill Krasner -- Wargames1 [Verified: 28 Oct 99] List of games wanted and games for sale. Updated at least twice weekly. Skip Kreitz -- Skip's ASL Page This site is dedicated to the premier World War II tactical warfare simulation game in the world., Advanced Squad Leader, it's tactics, scenarios and rules, and the World War Two history that the game is based on. The game itself uses realistic, but very playable, and comprehensive rules to simulate, platoon through battalion level actions between all the combatants, and various theaters of World War Two. The internet page tries to give surfers a taste of the game and some of the history that the game very accurately simulates. Kurt Kuhlmann -- Warhorse Simulations [Verified: 02 Nov 99] This site hosts the "Automated Card Tracking System" (ACTS) which allows people to set up and track the status of games through the website. Originally designed for tracking the decks for games using the "We the People" system, the site is currently configured for We the People, Hannibal, For the People, Paths of Glory, Successors, Blue vs Grey, and Titan. New ACTS modules are always being developed as well. Mitchell Land -- The Field Marshal's Forward Edge of the Battle Area [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Empires in Arms, Dirtside II, Starcruiser, Summer Storm Bruno L'Archeveque -- Republic of Rome This page is used by Bruno to keep track of and publish the current status of the Republic of Rome PBEM games in which he is acting as GM... David Lawson -- Grey Knight's Domain A site for miniatures wargaming including FAQs for Terrain/Scenery and Strategy and Tactics. Downloads are also availble for several Games Workshop games. Rob Lois -- Warrenton Game Club We feature an online play by play re-creation of a currently play wargame, with narratives and digital photos of the mapsheet and counters. Richard Madder -- Henri De Catt's Free Kriegspiel Pages [Verified: 27 Feb 00] Henri De Catt's Free Kriegspiel Pages is dedicated to the art of Free Kriegspiel. As the site develops it will include game briefings and articles discussing umpiring techniques, tricks and styles. David Manley -- David and Liz's Homepage [Verified: 30 Oct 99] Features odds and sods for many of the periods and scales that I wargame in, especially naval. Also some pages of useful info and additional rules for some of the sets of rules I've had published. Craig Martelle -- Gauntlet Publications Scenarios & rules, links to scenarios & rules, updated historical gaming information, classified ads, general historical retailer listing. Historical miniature rules, scenarios, and accessories. Andrew Martin -- Dirtside II [Verified: 27 Feb 00] The unofficial Dirtside II FAQ, plus enhancements and house rules for DSII. Wendell Martin -- Home Page [Verified: 27 Feb 00] This site has a list of the wargames/strategy games (board and computer) that I own, and I'm glad to answer questions about them. So, if you've lost a certain counter and need the values, or want to know if a game you're thinking about buying has certain features, I should be able to help (if the game is on the list). Jim Mason -- Jim's Gaming Page [Verified: 29 Oct 99] This site has a detailed explanation of various strategies for DIXIE: First Bull Run and Victory by Columbia Games. I also invite other persons to submit their strategies and/or scenarios and variants. Other games to be included at a later time include: Tank Commander: East Front (MiH) and Eagles (Columbia Games). Dwayne Matheson -- Dwayne's ASL Home Page ASL Q&A, FAQ and Index in Windows help file format Kevin McPartland -- Kevin McPartland on Wargames [Verified: 02 Nov 99] This site is a tremendous resource for those lucky wargamers who own a copy of 3W's Tahiti. The game's designer has posted variants, commentary, alternate rules and a list of random events for your gaming pleasure. Doug Melville -- DBM - Wargames Down Under [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Australian based site with Cyberboard boxes for DBM, list generator program and other downloads. Current Player Rankings, links, hints, painting advice and news for players in Australia and world-wide. George Michaels -- Earthsea Games [Verified: 12 Dec 99] Earthsea Games sells new and used adventure games. We have many Avalon Hill, GDW and SPI titles for sale. Steve Miller -- Dallas Thursday Night Irregulars [Verified: 28 Oct 99] The Dallas Thursday Night Irregulars have been in existence for nearly 20 years. We meet in Dallas at two (2) locations on Thursday nights and occasional weekends during the holiday season. We're primarily a historical gaming group but do dabble in GW 40K, WHFB, Battle Fleet Gothic, Necromunda, Mordheim. We have an extensive listing of vendor links, reference links, and painting tips on this site. You're always welcome at the Thursday Night Irregulars! Steve Miller -- Steve's Wargaming Gallery [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Steve's Gallery is a compendium of his collection. Using the painting tips available on the Dallas Thursday Night Irregulars Page. A general wargaming homepage. Joseph Miranda -- Gamer Cadre [Verified: 28 Oct 99] GAMER CADRE is a site programmed by Strategy & Tactics editor Joseph Miranda. It is intended as an internet node for cutting edge information and discussion on wargaming, simulations and military affairs. Brian Moore -- Brian Moore's Playaid Kits [Verified: 27 Feb 00] I produce and sell a variety of playaid kits for some of the game titles from such publishers as The Gamers, GR/D, Moments In History, and Avalanche Press. My site provides details (contents, pricing, and samples) on the kits which I currently have available. In addition, I have made freely available for download a variety of playaid items which I have created for other games (the items available for download changes from time to time). Perry Moore -- Military History and Wargames [Verified: 31 Oct 99] A site about me and my designs. Also, background to past designs, some designs in the works and what is for sale. This site has sound and extensive historical coverage on the Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War 1918-20, plus, many various game releases for sale. Stuart Mottershead -- [Verified: 01 Nov 99] My site includes tactics, army lists and new profiles for the Eldar and Bretonian armies in Warhammer 40k and Fantasy. It also includes the homepage for the Eldar webring, which contains about 40 Eldar related web sites. Multi-Man Publishing -- Multi-Man Publishing, LLC [Verified: 05 Nov 99] Official web site for Advanced Squad Leader and home page of Multi-Man Publishing, official developers for the game system and the hosts of ASL Winter Offensive Greg Myers -- Deer Valley Game Company Publisher of SQUARES -- The Civil War Battle Game Will Nesbitt -- Battlestorm Gamer's Guide A reference page for Ral Partha's Battlestorm and every other miniature game and manufacturer, includes free wargame rules and links to hundreds of free games. Jens Niemann -- WWII 60th Anniversary Replay This game is a unique experience for the demanding wargamer. WWII-60AR simulates this global conflict on a political, economical and military scale. The PBM/PBeM Kriegsspiel-style game is hand moderated with a monthly turnaround and features full color 36000 hex world maps and detailed reports. It also includes a strong role-playing aspect. Now you can slip into the bodies of villains and heroes, statesmen like Hitler, Stalin, Churchill or Roosevelt, commanders like Eisenhower, Montgomery,Yamamoto or Rommel. Pascal Ode -- The Independent Player's Homepage Dedicated to computer Wargames and Strategy Games. One of the Top 5% of gaming sites on the Web. Walt O'Hara -- Walt's Fun and Games Page The Fun and Games page is dedicated to activities I'm involved in in the wargaming community, plus reviews, views, variants, and even a free game for you to download. In addition, the following pages are available: Rise of the Luftwaffe Squadron Leader Variant: The Rules With No Name Photo Album Page: Illuminati: the Hong Kong Rules The Play by Email Emporium Gladius! Playtest I also put up the following pages recently: Wild West Skirmish Games Air Combat Games Web Community (on Excite) One Small Step -- One Small Step Support and information for products published by One Small Step, including Competitive Edge magazine, Fox One card game, BattleChrome card game, and other microgame and miniature products. Steffan O'Sullivan -- Steffan O'Sullivan's Home Page [Verified: 28 Oct 99] While most of the gaming articles here are not specifically wargames, you'll find some pertinent articles, such as an introduction to Columbia's Wooden Block Wargames, reviews of various miniatures systems, and articles on the lighter wargames such as Hannibal and Highlanders. Denis Papp -- AccessDenied - Game Central Network [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Contains a database of players for all types of games. Do searches based on game or location. Also contains links for each of the wargames in the database. George Parada -- Achtung Panzer! [Verified: 30 Oct 99] This website is dedicated to the history of tanks and people of the Panzertruppe during World War II. It describes most of the tanks and conversions used by the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS Panzer Divisions from September of 1939 to May of 1945. It also describes some of the Panzer Generals and Aces along with other information related to the Panzertruppe. Jim Parmenter -- Bravè [Verified: 12 Dec 99] The site is not strictly a wargaming site. It is intended to focus on the history of the French navy during the revolution, republic and 1st empire in order to give a better slant on what actually happened. Too many general histories of the Napoleonic era pass off the French navy as a wreck created by the destruction of the aristocratic officer corps in revolutionary excesses. This is especially a problem for English speakers who have a flood tide of material glorifying the British navy. Hopefully wargamers will find that the information we are building on the site will provide some insights and broaden the scope of the games they enjoy. Eric Pass -- Home Page [Verified: 23 Nov 99] Featuring the Squad Leader Mailing List, PBEM Gamers Directory and includes a small selection of games for sale or trade. Alan Patrick -- [Verified: 27 Feb 00] Its a UK site, I've got it up and debugged, its mainly Ancients/Medieval/Renaissance + pictures, and a lot about morphing armies. Fabio Prado -- The ARMOR Site! The ARMOR Site is dedicated to all enthusiasts of armored warfare. Computer wargames reviews and assorted goodies (demos, patches, scenarios). Historic data about famous tanks, and about the Main Battle Tanks of today. William Ramsay -- Bill Ramsay's Home Page [Verified: 01 Nov 99] My site contains information about the games I'm designing, co-designing, doing the graphics for as well as information about the U.S. Army in World War II. Martin Rapier -- Martin's Games Resources A few scenarios of HPS games 'Panthers in the Shadows' and Talonsofts East Front, plus scenarios/campaign for SpearHead/Command Decision miniatures rules. I've also got a load of articles from the Foreign Military Studies Office, Centre for Military History and some other bits and pieces, and a fair number of OOBs, mainly aimed at miniatures rules. Eric Reits -- Von Reitsch Panzer Page Webpage dedicated to German armor in World War II. Text and pictures of panzers (eg PzKpfw I-VI and derivatives), panzer leaders (eg Guderian, Rommel), songs and links. Dave Reynolds -- Command Post [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Command Post miniature painting service, offering painted miniatures of quality at reasonable prices since 1987...the page has plenty of color photos to enjoy! Gary Robinson -- Gary's Wargaming Page [Verified: 05 Nov 99] Gary's Wargaming Page is devoted to board wargames, especially strategic WWII games such as Advanced Third Reich / Empire of the Rising Sun, Krieg / Totaler Krieg, and World in Flames. The heart of the page is the collection of detailed replays of these games. Mark Robbins -- "Spike" Robbins Military History and Game Webpage [Verified: 31 Oct 99] Advanced Squad Leader and a lot of TOE's and OrBats. Grahaeme Ross -- Solo Wargamers Association [Verified: 27 Feb 00] This is the home of the Solo Wargamers Association, dealing in all things wargaming and roleplaying for the solo wargamer. We have a quarterly publication called Lone Warrior which has been going for over 20 years. We have members worldwide. Rugged Defense -- Rugged Defense PBEM wargame club We support the 5-star series, the Living Battlefield and Steel Panthers of SSI. Also, the Operational Art of War from TalonSoft. Scott Sadusky -- Scott's Page [Verified: 01 Nov 99] Web page for PBeM games (Magic Realm and Dune so far) Alan Saunders -- The Wargames Section [Verified: 28 Oct 99] A page devoted to some of my favourite miniatures games. It includes, amongst other things: The Stronghold - A page devoted to WRG's 'Hordes of the Things' fantasy rules Several 'Fire and Fury' scenarios A set of miniatures rules for American Civil war naval battles Information on my local club, The Staines Wargamers Vince Salvato -- Vince's Homepage [Verified: 19 Mar 00] Site contains pictures of 25mm miniatures used in Warhammer Ancient Battles (90%), there are also a few pictures of Fantasy miniatures. There is also a section on how to construct chariots and some WAB army lists I have used in tournaments. Raymond C. Schroder -- The Panzer General Zerstorer The Zerstorer is home of the #1 Panzer General II upgrade: the ULTIMATE Equipment File... historically accurate, ballistically correct. The Zerstorer also supports SSI's Panzer, Allied and Pacific General games and maintains FAQ, documents, editors, modified scenarios and campaigns to enhance your gaming experience. Schwerpunkt -- Schwerpunkt [Verified: 31 Oct 99] This is the homepage for Schwerpunkt -- publishers of classic computer wargames such as Leningrad 2.0. Schwerpunkt has now released 7 games, with the latest one being released earlier this year. It is called Smolensk to Moscow (STM), and is described at the Schwerpunkt web site. Our next game is The Russo-German War 41-44, and its release date is June 2000. Andreas Seidel -- [Verified: 27 Feb 00] I've got a site which deals with Panzer General 2, People's General, Civilization and Sudden Strike (which isn't even released yet). I consider it to be pretty good after its recent renovation. Please take a look at it! Matt Seitzler -- The American Civil War in Miniature [Verified: 29 Oct 99] The American Civil War in Miniature is a page that has various articles I have written on Uniforms, Tactics, and Organization. I have a page for those who don't have a clue as to what Wargaming is, and a section listing all the manufacturers of 25mm and 15mm Miniatures that have sent me a Miniature to be reviewed. Have fun listening to the music and saluting the flags! Mark Simonitch -- Allied Games [Verified: 02 Nov 99] Information and photos on The Legend Begins, Campaign to Stalingrad, Decision in France, Hannibal (AH), and Successors (AH). Jeff Sims -- La Bataille Optional Rules [Verified: 28 Oct 99] This site is devoted to the La Bataille tactical Napoleonics series, published by Clash of Arms Games. It consists of a collection of house rules, compiled from various sources, which may be used to supplement or alter the official Fourth Edition Rules. Also, optional rules for MMP's Squad Leader. Lee A. Smith -- The BattleTech Space Port BattleTech (the board game) - The year is 3025, you are strapped into 100 tons of the most lethal war machine ever created -- a BattleMech. Lasers, Autocannons, PPC's, Long & Short range missiles are among your weapons. You hire your services to the highest bidder as a Merc or, join one of the house military units to defend your home land from another raiding house. Or worse yet, against one of the many different Clans, invaders from beyond the Periphery, in the most powerful of all BattleMechs: the Omni-BattleMech. Norman Smith -- Norm's Wargame Page [Verified: 01 Nov 99] A showcase of board wargames both past and present. Also serves as a good introduction to the hobby for non gamers. Martin Snow -- The Prince of Chaos [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Many boardgaming links, mostly for Advanced Squad Leader. There is also a large picture gallery from ASL tournaments and other events. Ian Stewart -- Milton Keynes Wargames Society A UK club sharing a tabletop wargaming passion. Historic games include ancient (DBM), renaissance (DBR), Napoleonic, American Civil War (Fire & Fury ACW), Colonial (POW) and WW II. Our fantasy wargame group majors in Warhammer gaming. We wish to share our wargaming hobby with you. Jay Stribling -- Jackson Wargamers' Home Page [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Home page of the Jackson Wargamers of Jackson Mississippi, USA. This page has our one-line rule sets, and battle reports of games we have fought. Also we have several "period pages" of information such as our Russian Civil War page, and our Ironclads page. Markus Stumptner -- Games page [Verified: 26 Nov 99] Pictures of Wooden Ships and Iron Men (or Close Action) miniatures and 3D Gamers TCS maps, as well as Pacific War (VG) files (including formatted PDF versions). House rules, variants, and replays for some other games. Tattoo -- Star Fleet Battles PBEM Star Fleet Battles (Enter the Neutral Zone scenario series) .. Soon to come ASL (Advanced Squad Leader) Telatheon -- Inner Sphere News Battletech website Ian Thompson -- Thomo's Hole [Verified: 01 Nov 99] The homepage for Thomo the Lost. It contains some general discussions on Thomo's travel, ancient places he has visited, a number of reasons why Australia is on top of the world and Europe on the bottom as well as wargaming content. It is the home of a set of Play By e-Mail rules to allow DBA and Hordes of the Things games to be played by e-mail (PBeM). There is also general discussion of Thomo's DBM, DBA, Naval, Fire and Fury and Shako gaming. John Tiller -- The Real Unofficial War Game Page [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Covers the Battleground series from TalonSoft by the original designer and programmer. Includes a Civil War and a Napoleonic Battleground Scenario Editor, user-donated scenarios for all of the Battleground games, and new 32-bit versions of the new Battleground main program. J. Michael Tisdel -- J. Michael Tisdel [Verified: 28 Oct 99] Club meeting information for a weekly board game club. Information on: Warhammer 40,000 - Datafaxes, house rules, army lists. Warzone - Information on North Texas Tournaments. Chronopia - Information on North Texas Tournaments. Necromunda - house rules and tournament. Talisman - new character. Dave Townsend -- Dave Townsend's Home Page [Verified: 18 Nov 99] I've got a large collection of GMT's Great Battles of History material at my web site, a little bit of Avalanche Press's The Great War at Sea, and some playing aids for Decision's Wars of the Imperial Age system. Gerold Treitler -- Gerold's Panzer General (DOS) Page [Verified: 29 Oct 99] Gerold's Panzer General (DOS) Page with many new campaigns and scenes and other stuff Mark Trowbridge -- The Unofficial Battleground Waterloo Home Page [Verified: 03 Nov 99] A wealth of information, tactics, tips and unofficial patches for Talonsoft`s classic "Battleground Waterloo" Luke Ueda-Sarson -- Luke Ueda-Sarson's Wargaming Pages [Verified: 12 Dec 99] 100s of Ancient Greek shield patterns, DBx army lists for Middle-Earth, DBM battle reports and Italian Condotta campaign. Mario Vallee -- Empereur [Verified: 19 Mar 00] Al list of Napoleonic Publishers Bertrand Vauthier -- Kamikaze Wargames Designers Freeware & Shareware PC Wargames Rich Velay -- Europa and Glory Rich is the official answer man [the Rules Court editor] for the Europa and Glory series of games from GRD. This page contains official errata and various other fun stuff [fun stuff in planning stages...] that focuses on Second Front, War of Resistance and For whom the bell tolls. Ultimately, as time allows, it will be the repository for *all* official errata and rules Q&A. Bart Vetters -- Schild en Vriend This is the homepage for the Schild en Vriend miniature wargaming club located in Leuven, Belgium. It lists information and pictures on several different games in all periods and scales, and also features a growing number of 'how-to' pages on painting and terrain for wargames. Santiago Vidal -- Tortoise Page [Verified: 12 Dec 99] Scenarios, General Resources, and Links for Panzer General/Allied General. Enrico Viglino -- The Game Box A gaming resource for the Buffalo NY area. A must visit site for gamers in the Buffalo area. On it you will find information on gaming events in the Buffalo area. Send me e-mail if you want your events publicized here. Richard Wein -- Machiavelli: The Prince This site is devoted to the Microprose game "Machiavelli The Prince", and also has information about other play-by-e-mail multiplayer strategy games. If you're interested in games of this type, come and visit. Christopher Weuve -- ChrisW's Fun and Games Page Variants and discussion of both historical and science fiction board games and miniatures. Focuses on the creative, including such novelties as a play-by-photo variant of PanzerBlitz, combining Stellar Conquest and Triplanetary, and vector movement systems for tactical space combat games. Chris Wilson -- British Wargames [Verified: 28 Oct 99] A general wargaming site with specialist sections for TalonSoft computer wargames, historical articles, World War Two military data, Kriegsspiel Participation Games (Run by "The Joint Wargamers Association") and a support section for the Wargames and Military History Search Engine. Chris Wilson -- The Wargames and Military History Search Engine [Verified: 28 Oct 99] A rapidly expanding search engine. Listing only wargaming and military history sites. The specialist nature of this site makes the rapid finding of detailed military information a rapid and painless process. As with all search engines webmasters can get their specialist wargaming or military history site listed free. Billy Wooderson -- Billy's Shed [Verified: 28 Oct 99] The wargamers home for cutout scenery. Free print and cutout buildings for use in your games. Todd A. Zircher -- V_MAP home page [Verified: 05 Nov 99] V_MAP is a free graphical PBEM gaming aid for Win32 systems. Many gamesets already available, specializing in microgames. V_MAP is good resource for RPG gamers and game designers, too. Zytoun -- Amirauté This site is about Amirauté, a WW2 naval simulations writtent in 1979 and still most played in France and some parts of Europe. The site includes additional rules for the game, scenarios, unit descriptions, orders of battle and maps that can be downloaded to play.
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